You can check IGTV on my Instagram page for a more in-depth tutorial OR you can follow along with the instructions below. I’ve even included some of my own sticker designs that you are able to use for FREE on your Instagram stories.

First, you will need to choose which sticker you want to add in your story. You can find some of my hand drawn stickers HERE.

Once you have the sticker you want open, you will need to hold down on the photo until it says “Save to camera roll”. Click OK so that it is saved on your photos on your phone.

Now, go to the Instagram app. You will need to find which picture from your Instagram feed you are going to feature in your story. Click “Add post to your story”.

Once the picture is in there it will look something like this.
Now, flip over to your photo app and find the sticker picture you just saved to your phone.

Click “Copy Photo” on the sticker you want to use.
Then, flip back over to your Instagram app. Your story should still be sitting there.

“Add Sticker” should have popped up on the bottom of your screen. Click it!

Use your fingers to make the sticker bigger to fit your screen.

Optional – You can change the background color if you would like by clicking on one of the colors at the bottom and then holding it down anywhere on your screen.
Now, add it to your story to make a “New Post” a little bit more interesting!
I also did another IGTV where I showed some of my favorite IG Stickers that can already be found on the Instagram app. Check out the video HERE to watch it!